Thursday, 4 December 2014

I hadn't been long home when I heard a George Harrison song on the Simon Mayo show - singing about home, I think.

Tuesday, 2nd December

The Times published  three photos of three Beatles in today's paper (p19).  They were on holiday in Tenerife with Astrid Kirchherr in 1963. Rare colour pictures taken before Beatlemania and are "expected to fetch £6,000 when they are sold at auction". And the caption was "Yesterday when all their roubles seemed so far away"

Saturday, 29th November

One of my most unexpected Beatle moments was finding this sentence at the end of a review of a book about Branwell Bronte, brother of the novelists: "He painted himself out of the famous portrait but left a sketch in which he looks a mix between a Victorian John Lennon and Woody Allen" (Saturday Review p16)